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Made In Dagenham

9 Apr 2025

Legally Blonde the Musical

9 Apr 2025

All Shook Up

25 Mar 2025

The Witches of Eastwick

14 Apr 2026

Come From Away

4 Sept 2025


SECTION A: Application

1. A Society must be a PAID UP MEMBER of AIMS when applying for the AIMS Adjudicator.
2. Requests for services of the AIMS Adjudicator must be made on the special application form provided by AIMS, and must be accompanied by the appropriate fee. NO TELEPHONE BOOKINGS. Forms incorrectly completed will be returned to society and will go to end of the queue.
3. Application must be made AT LEAST SIX WEEKS prior to the commencement of the show.
4. Applications will be processed in the order they are received by the Adjudication Scheme Administrators.
5. Visits by the AIMS Adjudicators to Societies will be arranged in such a manner, as will be the most economical and convenient itinerary for the adjudicators.

6. Every reasonable effort will be made for the AIMS Adjudicators to attend each show requested.Where a choice must be made between attendance at two or more shows simultaneously, the AIMS Adjudicator will:-
a. Attend the Society presenting its first production of the season or;
b. Attend the Society that applied first.
7. The same show title produced by the same company adjudicated previously by the AIMS Adjudicator may not be adjudicated again within three AIMS seasons, even if a new production or a new adjudicator.
8. Completion of the Adjudication Scheme Application Form shall be deemed to be acceptance by the competing Society of the Rules of the Adjudication and Awards Scheme. On applying for Adjudicator, the Society automatically gives consent for the public review to be published – There is no exception to this rule.

SECTION B: Eligibility For Nomination / Awards

9. All individuals are eligible for nomination/award unless they express the wish not to be considered.
10. Only recognised Operas, Operettas, Light Operas, Musicals and Musical Comedies are eligible for AIMS Awards. Pantomimes, variety shows, etc. are excluded from the scheme.
11. The categories of Best Overall Show and Runner Up, Chorus, Ensemble Choreography, Stage Management, Programme and Front of House are deemed ‘Society’ Awards and are not to be regarded as for any individual
12. The ADJUDICATOR’S SPECIAL / SPIRIT OF AIMS awards are given entirely at the discretion of the AIMS Adjudicators for the time being in office, and may be awarded for any aspect of Production, Presentation or Performance.
a. A new YOUTH EXCELLENCE AWARD will be introduced this season for outstanding youth involvement in an adult company show.

13. If pit-singers are used during a performance, then their use must be clearly indicated and acknowledged in the show programme.
14. The use of vocal backing tracks or musical backing tracks must be indicated on the application form. Use of these tracks may exclude a society from certain awards categories.

SECTION C: General

15. By applying for the Adjudicator, the society gives AIMS permission to reproduce portions of their show programme on the AIMS Website, for the purposes of promotion and information for members. If a Society does not agree to this, or is unable to give this consent, they must indicate this in writing to the AIMS National Secretary. Societies should make themselves aware of the rules concerning copyright included in their licensing agreement/contract with the rights holders.
16. Publication of the summary review on the AIMS website is at the discretion of the National Council of AIMS.
17. Each participating society must provide two copies of the show programme for the AIMS Adjudicator on his/her arrival at the show.
18. Upon commencement of booking, two seats must be reserved for the adjudicator for each performance. These seats must offer a clear and unobstructed view of the stage.
19. Societies should include AIMS logo on the cover of show programme. Also an AIMS advert (1/4 or 1/2 page) detailing services of AIMS should be included. This is available to download from the AIMS website; Non inclusion of AIMS logo and advert will result in show programme not being eligible for

20. Any communication re Adjudication Scheme must go through the Society secretary to Liaison Officers, or when a formal complaint is being made, to the National Secretary.
21. The decision of the National Council of AIMS on any interpretation of these rules shall be final.
22. The AIMS Adjudicator shall review each show under the following headings:

1. Overview
2. Musical Direction
3. Orchestra
4. Singing
5. Acting
6. Production
7. Choreography
8. Stage Management
9. Set Design
10. Lighting
11. Costumes / Make-Up
12. House Management
13. Adjudicator’s suggestions


23. Societies are split into two sections – Gilbert and Sullivan, based on the number of points they have received in the last 5 calendar years.
24. Points are awarded for the receiving of a nomination only (Not for winning an actual award) – the number of points depends upon the award – as follows:-

5 points for Best Over All Show,
4 points for Choreography, Spirit of AIMS/Adjudicator Special Nominations, Ensemble or Chorus nominations,
2 points for Best Visual,Technical, Director, MD, Choreographer, Stage Management or any individual
Points are not awarded for Best House Management or Programme.

25. All nominees for Best Show in the Sullivan section are automatically moved to the Gilbert section for the
following season. A Society that has more than one production adjudicated in the year will only have the
points from the highest achieving show allocated to them during that season.

The onus is on the company to provide the adjudicator with any late changes to the information in the programme. The best Ensemble category is aimed to highlight a piece within a show that involves all aspects of theatre, in other words, great singing, acting, staging and presentation.

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