All Shook Up as Presented by Letterkenny Music & Drama Group
All Shook Up as Presented by Letterkenny Music & Drama Group
Adjudication performance 29th November 2023

The furthest journey of my calendar year so far in 2023 took me to Letterkenny on the evening of the 29th November 2023 to adjudicate the wonderful, foot stamping, dance, and melodic show with well-known songs like “I can’t help falling in love with you”, “Blue Suede Shoes” “Hound dog” to name but a few. “All Shook Up”.
The Venue was the beautiful An Grianán Theatre, in Letterkenny town. Upon my arrival I was met immediately by the most gracious Pluincéad O’Fearraigh, Chairman of the Society, and indeed up to last year's production was also Director and Producer of this talented group.
Producer / Director of this Production were Ms Tina Higgins, and Ms Marie McGinley. This show was indeed a lovely production. There was great use of the very large stage but what I liked most was the attention to detail these two ladies brought to this show where we the audience were immediately transported back to the good old rock and roll days. Ms Higgins and Ms McGinley directed this show in such a way that it was consistently so effortlessly energetic and full of fun and humour with beautiful movement and staging throughout. All roles were perfectly cast without any exception. The attention to detail was super. Particular mention to “Come On Everybody” with Chad, Natalie, Dennis & Company and Sylvia's Bar, as the initial meeting point, with the tables and chairs and tablecloths and the very authentic jukebox in the corner. This direction in this production was simple, yet effective, detailed yet not overbearing or too exaggerated. Such fun, and joie de vivre with each character and a testament to the work done by Ms Higgins and Ms McGinley. Considering it was your first year as the Producers / Directors it was a huge success and very well directed. Lovely job beautifully done. This magic duo as Directors also were the shows Choreographers.
Choreography was excellent, lovely movements, great dancers, simple yet effective moves but the most impressive detail here for me was that throughout the show this cast never ONCE put a foot or an arm out of place. Yes, in some number’s choreography was simple and slick but in other numbers “Lovin My Baby” and “All Shook Up, along with “Jailhouse Rock” were more complex – yet excellent. “Loving My Baby” was a highlight of this show for me in Choreography, Direction and Lighting, which was simply superb.
Musical Director for this show was Denise Roper. Twenty five plus numbers with a band of ten in the pit. Ms Roper as well as being Musical Director played Keyboard 1. With particular mention to “I Don’t Want To” Chad, “C’mon Everybody” with full company, and a highlight of the evening for personally and musically were “Let Yourself Go”, “Follow That Dream” (simply gorgeous accompaniment here) and the magnificent Finale Music. Wonderful. This Band worked very well together. I congratulate you all on a job beautifully done here from all of you, with of course Ms Roper at the helm. Congratulations to a great team well-rehearsed and well led.
Stage Manager was Ms Fiona McDaid. Ms Mc Daid had a strong team of four as her Stage Crew. Ms Anne Flannery, Elaine Gillespie, Aoife Flanagan, Olivia Kelly. Also Slides Operator Tom Neilis. The Sets were good and sometimes very good. One thing I did notice was In the Heartbreak Hotel number there were two doors down stage right surrounded by a lovely brick wall beautifully painted may I add- but when the cast went through the door when they were leaving the stage there was a gap between the wall and the wings and you could see each character head into the wings in the gap it and it was just a little distracting. “Sylvias Bar” set was lovely. The Set for of the City Museum was gorgeous and very authentic as was the Bus and the Station. The Funfair Set was a great visual with lovely lighting and ambience created enhancing each set in all of the scenes which were all very good. Set Painting was the responsibility of Mary Larkin, along with Stage Construction Tommy Kerr, and James Kenny. Set Painting was excellent lovely colours again, and great depth in each set piece.
Niall Cranney was in charge of Lighting for this lovely show. Excellent lighting on the back of the bar on the shelves in Sylvia's Bar, with the different coloured bottles on the shelves throughout. The lighting overall was very effective. “Lovin 'My Baby” was superb. I loved
the blues, reds and pinks all around, and the colourful pink spots on the floor this number
ensured the stage was ablaze with colour, and it enhanced the production beautifully.
Sound was by MK Audio, Strabane. Sound was perfect. No errors, never too loud, and always
right. I particularly loved the sound from all the lead characters. Very balanced, a very warm timbre throughout the show and again, the sound greatly enhanced the success of this lovely show. Well done.
Costumes were by Olivia Kelly, and Props Fiona McDaid. I loved Sylvia's Bar with the small circular tables and the white doilies placed perfectly around the stage, with the perfect bar stools and very good attention to detail all around. Given that this set is very much used
throughout the show it was important that is looks right and is presented correctly to a
discerning audience. Everything was in place, and it was obvious a lot of thought went into this production in this area throughout the show, and props were very good. Costumes, very appropriate for each character. Loved Sylvia's voluptuous costume, along with Mayor Matilda’s very befitting outfit, stern and austere, and I absolutely loved Dennis’ costume from start to finish dressed from top to toe. Well done to a wonderful team.
The part of Natalie Haller was played by Danielle McElroy. A gorgeous Natalie. Ms McElroy
created a truly lovely character here with her tomboyishness, but also her elegance later in her dress. Her connection with both Dennis (played by Luke McHugh) and Chad (Niall Brennan) floated down to the audience and I immediately wanted this young lady to have a happy ending because she was just so nice in this role in every way. Lovely moment in the dance scenes, and lovely rapport and chemistry in particular with Chad, but it was also with her pals, Dennis (in love with her) and Lorraine and finally but not least this gorgeous Father Daughter relationship she had with her Dad Jim Haller, (played by Rodney McKeague) where her caring, gentle, and love for of her Dad Jim, shone on stage. Ms McElroy created a lovely energetic, fun, caring, and sometimes lonely person in her creation of Natalie and this was indeed a very special and lovely performance. Well done Ms McElroy.
Chad was played by Niall Brennan. Mr Brennan, looked, sang and acted this part beautifully and with such charm. Mr Brennan was very slick, cool, easy going, with a fluid ease of movement around the stage consistently. He really did love himself and it was quite funny at times that his ego was dented for example when Ms Sandra rebuffed his advances again and again! I must also add that the lovely number “Don’t be Cruel” was brilliantly performed. A lovely duet by two very good actors in one of the more brilliant moments of this lovely show.
Mr Brennan’s performance enhanced this show beautifully every single time he was on stage. I loved the character you created here Mr Brennan. You have a lovely voice and this role suited you down to the ground. A very strong leading man. Keep singing. Well done. Superb job.
The lovely part of Jim Haller was played by Rodney McKeague. A glorious role played by this
talented gentleman. Mr McKeague had a lovely quiet gentle disposition, grieving for the loss of his wife – Natalie’s mother, and trying to find his way really after his wife's death and love of his life. The “Power of My Love”, sung with Chad and Miss Sandra, along with “Heartbreak Hotel” and especially the duet between himself and Chad “Don’t be Cruel” were some very lovely scenes performed with a gentleness and simplicity that endeared me to this gentleman as Jim Haller. Lovely singing voice and a lovely rapport with Natalie. This was a great role played by Mr McKeague, and I’m glad you did find love again in the end and I know think the whole audience were as well because we all had a soft spot for “Natalie’s Dad”. Well done. Lovely performance.
The part of Sylvia was played by Ciara Gallagher. A beautiful actress again with a lovely stage
presence and a key role in the whole story with her Bar and her customers and her lovely
daughter Lorraine, and her life in general. I really enjoyed what Ms Gallagher brought to this role and the character she created. From the first time we are introduced to her in “Heartbreak Hotel” to “That’s Alright” to the beautiful solo in the second half “There’s Always Me” A key role in this story, played by a very talented young lady. Beautiful performance.
Lorraine (Sylvias daughter) was played by Aoife Farmer. This young lady was a lovely Lorraine. Again, beautiful, sweet voice, lovely presence on stage, and interactions throughout the show with Dean (Ciaran O’Gallachóir) and of course with her Mam Sylvia. Gorgeous costumes, very articulate vocally, lovely moment in the dance numbers and a genuine air of happiness and carefree attitude that won the audience over with your portrayal of this lovely character that is Lorraine. “It’s Now or Never” with Dean, Lorraine and the Company absolutely shone from the stage.
Dennis was played by Luke McHugh. Aww Dennis. What a lovely role you had to play and played brilliantly . Loved the dickie bow and the sleeveless v neck jumper and your facial expressions in awe of Chad when you meet him. “That’s All right “when playing the guitar and the little leg kicks as you meandered around the stage proud as punch, to be the “chosen” sidekick showed the fun side of this character you created and indeed there were many moments such as this throughout the show. Mr McHugh had several lovely attributes that endeared me to him from the moment he arrived on stage. Well done Mr McHugh. A
beautiful part for you and you sang and acted it gallantly. Beautiful job.
Ms Sandra was played by Ms Laura Friel. Fabulous costumes, great flirtatious moments and yet completely oblivious to Chads obvious romantic advances which really was quite funny in your barely giving him the time of day and being quite dismissive in the process. (Poor Chad!). Ms Friel had a wonderful stage presence, and a really lovely voice, and I did indeed look forward to each time she arrived on stage.
The part of Mayor Matilda Hyde was played by Ms Mary Lane. What a no-nonsense woman stern with a constant frown and a constant air of disapproval of her towns people, conservative to a tee and following behind her was poor Earl the long-suffering (saintly) companion who said or was not allowed to say much at all except the odd word here and there where in these rare instances he was rapidly told to be quiet. Ms Hyde had a lovely air of superiority, and it really was effective in the contrast between herself and the rest of the cast in her seriousness. A wonderful character here is Ms Lane. It was an absolute pleasure to witness you in this role on stage. You made it your own and it was a very commendable performance in every aspect. Well done.
The part of Dean Hyde was played by Ciaran O’Gallachóir. Mr O’Gallachóir had a lovely stage
presence, very much under the shadow of the above-mentioned Mayor and his mother. Totally innocent minded in a cocoon by his mother and then in just one moment he saw and met Lorraine and they fell in love. Mr O’Gallachóir had a lovely singing voice and played this part well. Again, great costume and detail on the uniform especially was excellent. A lovely duo himself and Ms Farmer, a strong cast member, played a large part in the overall success of this show. Well done Mr O’Gallachóir. Well played.
Sheriff Earl, played by Martin Anderson, the strong silent type (with no choice to be but anything else) was a very likeable character from the beginning. Ambling around at a very relaxed pace behind Mayor Matilda he was like a little puppy afraid to say a word. Beautifully played by Mr Anderson and a pleasure to watch you on stage in this role.
Bus Driver was Mr Stephen Roche, and Warden was Mr Michael Sheehan. Two small parts but significant nonetheless in the continuation and the linking together of the different scenes and changes throughout. Excellent costumes again. Well done.
This was a very strong Chorus. From the opening Jailhouse Rock with Chad and the Prisoners, to “Heartbreak Hotel”, “C’mon Everybody”, “It’s Now or Never”, “Can’t Help Falling in Love”, “The title of the show and “All Shook Up”, “A Little Less Conversation a little more action”, “Fools Fall in Love”, “Burning Love” to the full Finale Music, this Chorus created a wonderful sound that enveloped the audience and the theatre, every single time, lovely harmonies, great balance and each part in Altos, Bass, Tenors, Sopranos, all clearly syncing beautifully together. It was a treat to hear you all throughout and with such consistency and balance. A lovely sound. A lovely Chorus. Well done.
An Grianán Theatre is a very large venue used very frequently and is a very busy venue given the posters and advertisements for upcoming shows that were emblazoned around the Theatre the second I arrived at the door and headed for the Box Office. I was immediately looked after and introduced to the gentleman that is the Society’s Chairman Mr Pluincéad O’Fearraigh, who was an absolute joy to speak with, giving me a background into the Musical Society to date, and his involvement from the very beginning (formed in 1991) and the history of An Grianán Theatre. I sincerely thank you all so very much for your welcome.
This evening was a treat. I genuinely loved the atmosphere within your lovely Society.
I drove home with a pep in my step and a song in my heart after my evening with you all.
Congratulations to each and every one of you. You are a great group and I hope that greatness continues for you all for a very long time to come.
Caroline Daly Jones
AIMS Adjudicator Sullivan 2023 / 2024
Some photos kindly shared by the society