Elf as presented by Studio 55 Productions
ST MARY'S HALL ARKLOW 15th – 17th December 2023
Adjudication Performance, Saturday 16th December 2023 -Matinee
“After all, the best way to spread Christmas Cheer is singing loud for all to hear”.
So true.

St Mary's Hall Arklow was the venue for Studio 55’s production of Elf The Musical and I was very much looking forward to their production of “Elf The Musical” in this famous hall.
Given this is a school, I do feel more people were needed to meet and greet as there were a lot of people in the queue and there weren't many at all to direct people to where to go. When I was shown to my seat in the auditorium I could not see a lot of the stage so to be fair to the Society I asked if there was a possibility of being moved to a different seat. Nothing was an issue. I was shown to a wonderful aisle seat bang in the centre of the hall, and I could see everything. The audience were a very enthusiastic gang, clapping loudly and creating a great buzz. I loved the Popcorn machine in the foyer, (which was producing Popcorn at the rate of knots very much in demand!!) and the lovely rotating Christmas tree in the hall of St Marys.
Director for this show was Mr Stephen Acton. Mr Acton transformed this school hall into a brightly lit, colourful and welcoming venue. I particularly enjoyed Mr Acton’s development of the characters in this story. From the opening scene where Santa (played by Mr Rob Donnelly) was sitting along down stage left in a magnificent throne like very ornate chair with the stage curtain pulled behind him as he narrated the story of Elf from his book, cleverly telling people to turn off their cell phones or they would regrettably end up on Santa’s Naughty list (I think that included the adults!) and this drew the first giggle from the audience for the evening. And then – the curtains opened and bang! There were two huge bells and use of projected visual pictures to set the scenes in the background was a simple but effective touch by Mr Acton. The presents, having obviously been made, were sliding down the Shute behind the action that was on stage. There was an air of “busy” all around There were many characters here all very well developed and directed with many personalities coming to the fore and created such a brilliant contrast to the happier numbers and scenes for example, “Sparklejollytwinklejingley” – (I just LOVE that word). I will also mention the main characters in Mr Acton’s direction here as I do believe many hours were spent perfecting the roles of Walter, (Tomas Byrne), Buddy (Chris Currid), Emily (Avril O’Toole), Santa himself (Mr Rob Donnelly), and the other leading roles throughout. Mr Acton consistently can see a vision or an idea and has the great talent to create that vision on stage and in his cast.
The Choreographer for this show was Ms Martina Lynch. What a joy to watch this young lady’s talent on stage with her performers and dancers. Slick, professional, catchy, and impressive are words I would use to describe Ms Lynch’s work. The Opening Number, “Here comes Santa Claus”, “Happy All the Time “ with the dancers dancing a merry dance in a circle with Santa (Rob Donnelly) in the middle had lovely dance, simple, and not a foot wrong.( Loved the “jazz hands” in this number) It is obvious that these children are very talented and love dancing, and that in turn travelled down to your audience such was the enthusiasm of the dance numbers and there were many. I must also mention the musical interlude instrumental in “Sparklejollytwinklejingley” dance / Interlude was beautifully executed. Great movement here, perfectly in time with one another and this number was yet another highlight for me in the choreography. The dancers again in the “Christmas Song Reprieve” with Buddy, (Chris Currid), Jovie, (Connie Tobin), Emily, (Avril O’Toole) Michelle, (Kate McElheron) and Ensemble was absolute brilliance. Beautiful choreography here Ms Lynch.
The Musical Director was Ms Amy Penston. The show used backing tracks and though personally I do prefer a live orchestra there are productions where a decision is made or there is a specific reason for the Society to use backing tracks. The backing tracks were executed perfectly. The backing track sound was clear and well heard, and cast timing in sync with tracks was excellent. The singing was very well rehearsed and especially the young cast members who knew their parts very well. The same for principals , who were excellent in their direction and totally assured against the tracks. Great work.
Sets for this show were very simple with clever use of lighting and back wall projections for some of the sets. For example the visuals of the Christmas Presents sliding down the chutes in the Santa and Elves scene, the clever use of scenes for the North Pole, with real Christmas Trees down stage left and right but the scene at the back of the stage for the North Pole was again projected. I loved the attention to detail in this particular screen with the massive green wreaths on the set walls with large red bows lit with twinkly fairy lights.
Walter, Emily & Michelle’s home was another successful scene and great use again of pictures to create their high rise luxurious living room. The projections were so very well done in conjunction with physical props or sets that it just looked right! Lighting here enhanced these scenes beautifully also. The set of Walters Office, Greenway Press, the city scene where Santa (Rob Donnelly) brings his super flashy and very bling sleigh on stage. The set where Buddy meets Jovie for a date – a street with a restaurant down stage left and houses all around was another clever visual. I am aware this is a very young society and I do realise you will build on this going forward as it would be nice if you did have some stage set built for your next production if at all possible. For this show, the projections worked and allowed the audience to immediately know where we were.
Lighting was the responsibility of Cathal Donoghue and this area was superb. Wonderful lighting in every scene, with many highlights throughout for lighting alone, including, “Happy All the Time”, and ” A Christmas Song” I loved the four green / blue spots high in the set for the City Scene with the news reporter and the white spots highlighting the company. In many numbers the lights travelled down through the audience into the aisle of the theatre which created like a halo or a golden pathway effect through the audience and back up to the stage. Again, lovely lighting in Santa’s Cabin at the end of the show where Buddy, Jovie and their new baby and indeed Santa all gather for the Finale. This was beautifully lit and one of the highlights of the evening for me in this area. Thank you and well-done Mr Donoghue.
Sound was by Jason Fallon. This was a tale of two halves. In the first half the cast mics were too low. It was a struggle at times to hear clearly especially against the much stronger backing track . There were many lines lost where it appeared some of the speakers had no mics at all or maybe they were not turned on but many lines both verbally and vocally could not be heard from a lot of the main characters and again especially where there were a group of people on stage. However, when Act 2 began, boy was there a massive change for the better. Well done to whomever sorted this issue out at the interval because the sound for the second half of the show was louder, clearer and simply super. I think with the sound being turned up for the 2nd half to a wonderful level where the audience and indeed probably the cast could hear absolutely everything, they put an extra pep in the Cast and there was an energy in the 2nd half of the show that was so much stronger than the first half.
Costumes and props by Natasha Byrne were superb. The colour, the layers, the attention to detail (love) was excellent. The Elves Costumes, the gold dresses, Buddy’s fabulous costume, Walter’s suit starched to within an inch of its life with the shirt sleeves pulled up was spot on. Michelle’s (Kate McElheron) had gorgeous and very age-appropriate clothes throughout right down to your gorgeous bobbly hat and your Ugg’s. The fabulous white costumes the front line wore for the Act 2 Finale were a sight to behold. Everyone in white (except Santa and Buddy) was a glorious picture. Jovie’s gorgeous red coat and Buddy’s work suit. The yellow leggings, the Green coat, the cutest hat, to Santa (Rob Donnelly) braces, the red trousers, the pointy green and red shoes, the Christmas shirt, - to the green elf costumes and the pippy long stocking effect of the white socks for the dancers. I could go on but such a great overall job on costuming. Well done Ms Byrne, Wonderful job.
Hair & Makeup was the responsibility of Sharon Hershee. This young lady had a lot of work and responsibility. From Santa Clause to Buddy, to Jovies sophisticated gorgeous hairstyle to Buddy’s change of hair colour. Makeup in all areas was very detailed and very good. The many reporters working in Greenway had all their hair in a tight bun at the back of their heads, hairstyles were always neat and tidy and tied back. A lot of responsibility here Ms Hershee and excellently done.
Buddy was played by Chris Currid. From the moment he burst onto the stage dressed in his green coat, red curls hat on his head, yellow leggings, brown boots and that smile that would light up a room I found Mr Currid’s role in this production as Buddy very endearing and I warmed to his character immediately. A smile that lit up the stage. Great rapport with his cast, young and old, gorgeous voice and lovely stage presence Mr Currid was wonderful as Buddy. There was an innocence about you in a childlike way that I loved about the character here that you created. Your singing was gorgeous and enhanced this show so much by your presence all through. Your song “World’s Greatest Dad” was so beautifully sung, again I must mention by favourite word in the show “Sparkejollytwinklejingley with Manager (Eoghan Kinsella) and the ensemble was brilliant. Vocally a highlight for yourself Mr Currid. “Just like him” “A Christmas Song”, “The Story of Buddy”, “Christmas Song Reprise” and of course your “Happy All the Time” was a fantastic number. A special moment for me was when you were talking to everyone about when everything would be covered in snow, and there and then the snow started falling. Your facial expression of surprise and shock and love was just so lovely. As the song goes “You really were happy all the time”. Wonderful. I loved your performance in this role Mr Currid, Congratulations and well done.

Santa Clause was played by Rob Donnelly. From the opening seconds of this show where Santa was sitting in his (gorgeous) armchair down stage left, I knew this Santa Clause was going to be special. And indeed, he was. Mr Donnelly’s hair, beard, braces, Christmas shirt, red trousers, and a lovely soft speaking voice gave a beautiful opening to the show for the audience and this role did suit you very much Mr Donnelly. I did miss one or two of your lines during Act 1 but this was in no way an error on your behalf whatsoever as explained already I just wished the mic’s could have been louder. You were a lovely Santa Clause Mr Donnelly. Your opening song “Happy All the Time with the children (elves) showed off your singing voice which was indeed perfect for this role. You have a lovely stage presence Mr Donnelly, very easy going, calm and strong on stage with a lovely singing voice and a character that was quite endearing to us your audience. I wanted to give you a hug at the end for being such a lovely Santa Clause. I genuinely did. You were so perfectly cast in this role, such a key role, and it worked very well. Congratulations Mr Donnelly on a wonderful performance as Santa Clause.
The part of Jovie was played by Connie Tobin. What a glorious singing voice this young lady has and a lovely stage presence with superb comedic timing – scene with Buddy, cross and miserable and he was just an annoyance!) to the beautiful couple at the end with your new-born baby son. Costumes were fabulous Ms Tobin. Your singing voice is so strong and your diction so clear and eloquent. Your solo “Never fall in love with an Elf” in Act 2 was where you really came into your own and this number was a highlight of the show for me. “A Christmas Song” with Buddy and Ensemble in Act 1. Great costumes, but it was your singing voice that really was where you came into your own. Gorgeous part, beautifully played, with lots of emotions and lovely characterisation. So well done.
The part of Walter was played by Tomas Byrne. Great character here. Very strong stage presence, and great vocal speaking and singing. Your singing “In the Way” with Deb, Emily and Ensemble was gorgeous. “Just like him” with Buddy Deb, and the ensemble was also beautifully sung and acted but it was the song “The Story of Buddy” that was simply gorgeous. You were a lovely Walter. I really liked you in this role. Well done.
The part of Emily, Walter’s wife was played by Avril O’Toole. Again, a lovely part beautifully played. Ms O’Toole was a very strong Emily. I loved your sweet voice, your lovely connection with your daughter - lovely relationship here, being calm, kind, and so lovely to Buddy when he arrived in your lives. Great stage presence again, and lovely voice e.g. “In the Way” with Walter Deb and ensemble was a memorable moment in the evening. “There is Santa Clause” between yourself and Michelle (played by Katie McElheron) was so moving and beautifully performed and as a duet it was a highlight of Act 2 for me. You brought this lovely lady that was Emily to life, made her yours and acted this part in such a kind and empathic way that comes naturally to you. Well done Ms O’Toole.
The part of Michelle, Walter and Emily’s daughter and Buddy’s half sibling was played by the very talented Ms Katie McElheron. A lovely presence on stage, Ms McElheron moved gracefully around with ease, playing a lovely young lady with the capacity to love greatly. A gorgeous lyrical singing voice that was so sweet to listen to, particularly in the duet with Emily as mentioned above “I’ll believe in you”. Beautiful. Your second duet with Emily in Act 2 “There is a Santa Claus” was as equally strong. You both as a team worked very well together, there was a lovely connection between you both on stage and it really was lovely to watch. I hope you continue to a part of the Musical Theatre world Ms McElheron. You certainly have the talent. Well done!
Deb, secretary to Walter, was played by Fiona Walker. A small part but again an important one. Great diction and lovely accent. I particularly enjoyed the story and your adaptation of the one-legged boy – and Walter’s reaction to it was even funnier - he was apoplectic!! Costume was very business-like and appropriate and you spoke clearly, I could hear every word. Lovely stage presence.
Greenway boss and owner of the paper was played by Ian Parle. A very strong presence on stage in height alone. Great costume and quite abrupt in your way like Walter – or maybe this was just your reaction to him. Nonetheless a part played well. I did feel that you dropped your accent a little in some places but other than that a fine stage performance and a lovely vocal which we heard in the song “The Story of Buddy '' with Buddy, Walter, Michelle and Ensemble. I liked you in this role. You were a leader on stage. You were a high-powered boss and knew it. If Walter was scary, Mr Greenway's arrival even scared Walter! Great acting by Mr Parle here as this character.
Chadwick was played by Brian Harty, and Mathews played by Fionn Dalton. Employees of the building (Empire State Building) where the story is set. Good costumes and performed well in both these roles. Well done. Manager was Mr Eoghan Kinsella. This young man had a solid presence on stage and very clear diction. Very business-like and created a lovely rapport with Buddy in this show. Played very well Mr Kinsella.
Chorus numbers were many. As I said I really did wish the sound was louder in Act 1. One or two of the higher notes were a little strained, however, you have a very strong Chorus here with and without the principal roles. There were many songs to sing, big numbers such as all mentioned above, but also, “In the Way”, “Just Like Him”, “A Christmas Song”, “World’s Greatest Dad reprise”, and “Sparklejollytwinklejimgley” were brilliant. For such a very young cast you have a huge amount of talent and have so many other talents to boot, as in dancing, acting, movement, set moving, the list goes on. Well done to you all. I so enjoyed the Chorus in this lovely show. As I am writing this Adjudication “Happy All the Time” keeps appearing in my head and I am sitting here humming it!! Brilliant number. Well done all.
I love “collecting” new words, like Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” in Mary Poppins or “Oopsadaisies”, but my newest and most favourite word in my own vocabulary now and I’m taking it with me from this show is……………..“SPARKLEJOLLYTWINKLEJINGLEY”!!!! Love it!
You are a fabulous group of people who brought Christmas joy to your audience. There is a lovely vibe from this Society, along with talent in bucket loads and I hope you build on that and on the team you have going forward. Your world of shows is an open book and I wish
you all well. Thank you, Studio 55 Productions. It was a joy.
Caroline Daly Jones
Sullivan Adjudicator 2023 / 2024
Some photos kindly shared by the society
Photographer credit Thomas Clare