The Addams Family as presented by Clane MDS
16TH APRIL 2024 – 20TH APRIL 2024
With high expectations, I entered the historic building, eager to see what this production had in store. The audience's anticipation and the buzz in the air were a testament to the society's reputation and the high quality of their productions. This beautiful building entranced me, called The Abbey, which this Society calls home.
The Front of House team's outstanding management skills enabled them to handle the packed houses attracted by the production very easily. They were swift, efficient, and courteous, ensuring that every audience member was seated and ready to enjoy the show in no time at all. Greeting everyone with a smile to make us all feel welcome and at ease. The team took great pride in their work and genuinely cared about the audience's experience. I was already looking forward to the evening!
The Director was Jennifer O’Brien. This young lady is a true visionary, bringing a unique perspective to the show, which is evident in every aspect of the production, from the set design to the costumes. Ms O’Brien’s attention to detail was unparalleled, ensuring that every scene flowed seamlessly into the next, with a remarkable ability to bring out the best in the cast, resulting in beautiful performances. The clear vision for the show was evident in the set design, a visual feast for the eyes. The lighting design was also expertly executed, and the costume work was impressive, with each character's outfit perfectly capturing their personality. Overall, the direction of this show was professional with the characters direction on stage being fabulous. A true sign of hours of individual work with principals especially. Ms O’Brien deserves high praise for her talent in all areas of this lovely production.
The choreographer was Grace McGrath. A true master of her craft. The choreography was complex and challenging, yet the dancers executed every move precisely and gracefully. Every dance routine, perfectly synchronised and expertly executed. The choreography captivated the audience with the dancers' movements, which was all the more impressive given the small stage and backstage restrictions I saw with my own eyes. This production had very little space on or off stage, plus a jam-packed house. What Ms McGrath created here and what the performers did was remarkable. The dance routines were impressive, “Tango de Amor” and “When You’re an Addams” were superb and flawlessly moved and performed. You are a very talented lady, Ms McGrath. I look forward to seeing more work from you in the future.
The musical director is the lovely, talented Grainne Úi Lúing. A true musical genius. The musical numbers were performed flawlessly, with the cast's singing pitch-perfect and the orchestra playing with precision and skill. Ms Úi Lúing's attention to detail was evident in every aspect of the show, from the harmonies to the overall sound of the production. “One Normal Night” personally was one of my favourites, from the gorgeous accompaniment for Pugsley in his lovely solo “What If” to the tear-jerking “The Moon and Me” sung by Fester and the Female Ancestors. Ms Úi Lúings' guidance and direction resulted in exceptional performances, and as Musical Director, her contribution to the show was invaluable. You deserve high praise for your excellent work in this role.
The Stage Manager was Siobhan Keogh. The Set for this production boasted an exceptional set design that was meticulously planned and executed. The set pieces were intricate and well-designed; every detail was carefully crafted to bring the Addams Family's world to life. The Addams Family mansion, in particular, was a standout piece, with its Gothic architecture and eerie atmosphere perfectly capturing the production's tone and mood. The set's versatility was also impressive, with seamless transitions between scenes. The Set Design team's attention to detail was evident in every scene, creating a flowing and lovely-paced experience for the audience. This society's commitment to excellence was apparent in every aspect of the production, and its dedication to making a visually stunning experience for the audience should be admired.
The lighting design was expertly plotted, and the production's tone and mood were flawless. I loved the cacophony of colours throughout, and the dry ice was as effective. The lighting was used to create a sense of tension and suspense, particularly in the darker scenes, where the use of spotlights and colour changes was masterfully executed, highlighting particular characters and set pieces and enhancing the audience's experience in a mix of colours that lit up not only the stage but the entire hall.
The sound was so excellent. It was loud if I can say that, but not overbearing. I heard every single word of word and song. In the darker scenes, the sound design was used to create a sense of tension and suspense, and the musical numbers were also expertly executed, perfectly complementing the cast's singing.
The costumes in "The Addams Family" were fabulously impressive and perfectly captured each character's personality. The wardrobe team's attention to detail was evident in every outfit, with each piece carefully selected and crafted. The costumes were elaborate and intricate, with some having a Gothic feel while others were more modern. The Addams Family members' outfits, in particular, were striking, with Morticia's iconic black dress and Gomez's pinstripe suit perfectly capturing the characters' essence. The ensemble cast's costumes were also impressive, with such magical attention to detail. I was once amazed at the sheer detail in this area of the production, but I can say that the Costumes, without exception, were simply phenomenal.
Hair and makeup were excellent. Morticia’s long, flowing hair and dramatic makeup perfectly captured her sultry, mysterious persona, while Gomez's slicked-back hair and perfectly groomed moustache added charm to the character. The ensemble cast's hair and makeup were also impressive, as were the wigs and hairstyles of the ancestors.
The props were perfect. The Addams Family mansion's furniture and decor were intricate and well-designed, perfectly capturing the Gothic feel of the output. I loved the wallpaper. The props were versatile, with some pieces serving multiple purposes; the props were also essential in creating a sense of tension and suspense, particularly in the darker scenes; that truth chair was demonic, the candelabra, I could go on, but when this area is done well, with attention to detail, it does make everything more real and believable and catches the attention. Most definitely adding an extra layer of emotion to ANY production.
Art McGauran played the part or, should I say, became the part and lived the part of Gomez Addams with the most excellent skill, enthusiasm, and side-splitting comedy. From the moment he stepped on stage, Mr McGauran was a tour de force in comedy and acting, and he lit up the stage consistently in every scene with his portrayal of Gomez. Mr McGauran’s suave and debonair personality brought a sense of fun, devilment and a playful sense of humour to the role with fantastic facial expressions, excellent comedic timing and a flawless and energetic performance from his first step on stage to his last. His chemistry with Morticia Addams was evident in their interactions, and their duet in the song "Tango de Amor" was a particular highlight of the show. Mr McGauran had a beautiful rapport with his children Wednesday and Pugsley. This was an incredible performance as Gomez. Mr McGauran had marvellous, fine, expensive-looking costumes, empathy, and diction. I hung on every word and every song in every scene, with dance acting and vocals, all equally brilliant in equal measure. Mr McGauran, you were a highlight of this show consistently, and it was a joy to be in the audience with you in this role with your many talents. A Tour de Force.
Sinead Byrne played Morticia Addams' part. An excellent actress, she was a standout character. She exuded an air of grace and poise that perfectly captured the character's elegance and sophistication. Her singing was a highlight of the musical numbers, and her portrayal of Morticia's complex emotions added depth to the production She had a gorgeous voice with an icelike expression, and Ms Byrne used her eyes magnificently. This was such a strong lead, and I could feel the friendship between you and the cast at the end of the show when there was a huge hug; genuinely, Ms Addams is a true star in this role, and you played it beautifully Ms Byrne.
Wednesday Addams was played by Bronwyn Goulding, and Pugsley Addams was played by Paul Nestor. Two outstanding personalities as brother and sister, both very quirky and eccentric while maintaining a sense of believability. Their sibling dynamic felt authentic, and they provided some of the show's most memorable moments. Wednesday Addams's duet with Lucas Beineke in the song "Crazier Than You" was a production highlight. Ms Goulding's gorgeous voice and “Honor Role / “Pulled” showed off your fantastic vocal, which shone.
But it is also here that I must specifically mention Mr Nestor's solo in Act 1, “What If.” Wow, young man, that was one magic moment in time when you stood and sang from your heart, and it was simply beautiful. You have a great stage aura, and you were simply one of the stars of the show in this production.
Aaron Stone played Uncle Fester. I warmed to Mr Stone immediately, immediately brought a sense of fun to the show, and provided very well-needed comedy given the darkness of everything in the story! Fester's solo number "The Moon and Me" I cried. Such a magnificent number is still a stand-out element of this production. You looked great. I loved your mannerisms, adorable quirkiness, and innocence, but most of all, I loved what you created in your Fester.
Elaine Moore O’Donohoe played Grandma. Ms Moore O’Donohoe did a fantastic job bringing Grandma's unique mannerisms and quirky personality to life on stage. Her lines were delivered with perfect comedic timing that had the audience laughing out loud, and her portrayal of the character's potion trolley was simply delightful.
Tim Cogavin played the part of Lurch. Played with great skill, brought a sense of stoicism and dry humour to the show, perfectly contrasting the other characters' zaniness. Mr Cogavin had two speeds: slow movement and even slower movement. Whenever he arrived, I wanted to go on stage myself and tell him to hurry up! Lovely voice and a funny character, getting lots of laughs from the audience for all the right reasons. Well done
Rory Chadwick played the part of Mal Beineke. Mal and Alice brought a sense of normality to the production, providing a sense of normality compared to the Addams family's strangeness. In the beginning, Mr Chadwick's business formal suit's light look was gloriously changed. The scene with Alice Beineke was excellent and humorous when he launched himself on stage in the rocker's tee shirt. It brought out the best in this character, and he played the part very well. Bravo.
Edel Marron O’Flaherty played the part of Alice Beineke. Her solo "Waiting" was a real highlight of the show. It was beautiful how Ms Marron O’Flaherty portrayed the character's transformation from a repressed and uptight suburbanite to a confident and liberated woman. Her solo “Secrets” and “Crazier than You” were powerful. There was such a lovely sense of fun in this lady, and I loved that. This young lady has many facets of depth in her vocals and as an actress, and I loved you in this role. You were super.
Cian McKeon also played Lucas Beineke. His acting genuinely captured the character's nervousness and innocence, and his comedic timing provided many hilarious moments. His lovely chemistry with Wednesday Addams and his love for her stood out on stage. His singing in "Crazier Than You" was impressive. Overall, it was an excellent performance.
The chorus was a vital part of the production, and they brought a level of energy and enthusiasm that elevated the entire show. Their performances were exceptional and deserve high praise for their hard work and dedication. The choreographer's complex and challenging routines were executed flawlessly, and the dancers' synchronisation was impeccable. The chorus's singing was equally impressive, and their harmonies were pitch-perfect. Their voices blended beautifully, creating a rich and full sound that added depth to the musical numbers. Overall, the Chorus here elevated the entire show from start to finish. Beautiful.
In conclusion, the Clane Musical Society's "Addams Family" production displayed talent and skill. The principal characters were portrayed with great care and attention to detail, and their performances provided a strong foundation for the rest of the production. The chemistry between the characters was evident on stage, and the musical numbers were performed with great energy, enthusiasm and very simply – brilliance.
Congratulations to all involved in the production, and thank you for your kindness, welcome, and amazing show. It was simply a pleasure, and I wish you every success in your future shows, as I have no doubt Clane Musical Society will be alive and prosper for a very long time to come. Bravo.
Caroline Daly Jones
Adjudicator Sullivan 2023 2024
Photos by: Aisling Conway Byrne @aconwayphotography